Change happens when we speak to change the situation.  We cannot hope it will change.  It only changes when we reposition the position by speaking the change.  It is up to us to speak the change.  My God reigns in my life and I will not sit aside and be silent about my situation.  If I want change then I speak it.  If I lack to turn to more than enough I speak it.  If I need a change in my position I have to reposition my stance.  If I hit a set back then I reset.  But so many times we hit that obstacle and we easily give up.  But let me shout it out, change your position, change your thought life, change your words to action.  Profess it, speak it out loud.  Speak against your current situation and watch it turn around.  My God cares about me and my current situation.  If we ask he will answer.  

Much Love,
